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Manual Joint Therapy for Massage Therapists

                For clients with joint pain, stiffness or swelling

Gentle, low-grade mobilization of individual joints for body region:


Sun June 9 - 10am - 4pm

Lower Extremity ( 5 CE hours )  Hip, Knee, Ankle & Foot



1 Day:  $235.60 w/tax

5  CEUs!
Approved Continuing Education Credits











Graded joint mobilization incorporates gentle, non-force techniques to restore synovial joint range of motion (ROM) that can diminish as a result of factors such as stress, trauma, and overuse.  The majority of time during this workshop series will be dedicated to hands-on practice of these specific techniques. 

Karen Frangos, PT, ND is a Naturopathic Physician & Physical Therapist, and a member of the MSTM faculty since September 2019.  Dr Frangos brings a broad scope of education & over 38 years of healthcare experience.  Before moving to Maui in 2010, she was a medical school professor, where she was awarded by students & her peers for excellence in teaching.  While in private practice, Dr Frangos focused on Sports Medicine, Orthopedics & Clinical Nutrition.  Her manual therapy skills integrate soft tissue techniques like Swedish, Deep Tissue, MFT, CST, NMT & Polarity Therapy, and joint techniques from graded mobilization to HVLA thrust.  She has worked closely with massage therapists in integrated medicine clinics and at various sporting events over the years. 

MAE# 3514
State of Hawaii Department of Education
License # 2325-1024

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